Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. I hope your visit here sheds more light on God’s great goodness.

“Experience is never meant to replace relationships. Everything comes out of relationship.”
The son of a WWII POW, Chris grew up in a home dominated by the effects of PTSD. Though eventually his relationship with his father was healed (Read: The Wild Love of God) Chris spent many years with an abusive father and then eventually no father in the home at all. As a young man, in a face-to-face encounter with Jesus, Chris’ life was changed and he soon found himself living out of love instead of trying to live to attain it. That set him on a new course in life. One that was rooted and grounded in affection so that what he freely received he was called to freely give away.
Chris has had many jobs over the years. He’s been a surgical technician, a bank teller, a Realtor, a Jr. High school teacher, a worship leader, a pastor, a writer and the list goes on. His diverse background has given him a unique understanding of the world and the people around him, making his communication authentic and creating in him a life’s goal to represent the heart of God well.